
- 연락처042-520-5346
- E-mailkimshn@pcu.ac.kr
- 연구실배재21세기관 545호
- 강의과목웹프로그래밍, 앱마케팅실무, 비즈니스앱개발, 디지털신기술동향
경력 및 활동
- 2021-현재 배재대학교 디지털신기술혁신융합대학사업단 부단장
- 2021-2024 배재대학교 경영대학 부학장
- 2021-2023 배재대학교 입학전략홍보센터 센터장
- 2020-2021 배재대학교 LINC+사업단 부단장
- 2020-2021 배재대학교 IPP사업단 부단장
- 2022-현재 한국콘텐츠진흥원 전문평가위원
- 2020-현재 대전정보문화산업진흥원 기술평가위원
- 2020-현재 대전창조경제혁신센터 기술위원
- 2020 대전광역시 기능경기대회 기술위원
- 2019-현재 정보통신기획평가원 기술평가위원
- 2017-현재 배재대학교 IT경영정보학과 교수
- 2017-현재 한국콘텐츠학회 학회지 편집위원
- 2016-현재 (사) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 부회장
- 2014-2017 수원여자대학교 정보지원센터 센터장
- 2012-2017 수원여자대학교 교수
- Software System, Web Database System
- Web Services, Mobile Computing
- Social Web mining, Web Computing
- 스트레스 해소 및 사회성 증진을 돕는 소셜미디어 플랫폼 연구, 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지, 2022.
- CTR 예측을 위한 비전 트랜스포머 활용에 관한 연구, 지식경영연구, 2021.
- A Study on Pagoda Image Search Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology for Restoration of Cultural Properties, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2021.
- A Real-Time Data Delivery for Mobile Sinks Group on Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020.
- Sound learning-based event detection for acoustic surveillance sensors, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 2020.
- Noise Cancellation Based on Voice Activity Detection Using Spectra Variation for Speech recognition in Smart Home Devices, INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING, 2020.
- Mobile commerce consumer value disparity by generation gap : Gift-giving case, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2019.
- Multi-group analysis of factors determining user’s commitment in mobile social network games, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018.
- Why do people have self-disclosure on sns? Based on features of social media, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018.
- Intelligent routing topology for beacon data transfer, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018.
- A study on big data based non-face-to-face identity proofing model, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2018.
- Game design for Chinese learning and pronunciation, Advanced Science Letters, 2017.
- The effect of information search use on the class of oral health education and practice, Advanced Science Letters, 2017.
- Developing R & D business aspect evaluation model, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, 2017.
- A study on the effect of information system on the internal factors and managerial performance - Focus on hotel, company, and hospital information system, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, 2017.
- A fusion framework of IDS Alerts and darknet traffic for effective incident monitoring and response, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, 2017.
- A study on applying a 3D printer to healthcare; dentistry area, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No.20, 2016 SCOPUS
- Mesh segmentation based on curvatures using the GPU, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 74, 2015 SCI(E)
- Automated Verification Methodology of Security Events Based on Heuristic Analysis, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 11, No.5, 2015 SCI(E)
- A model of analyzing cyber threats trend and tracing potential attackers based on darknet traffic, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Vol. 7, 2014 SCI(E)
- Dynamic resource control mechanism for multimedia overlay transport in NGN, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 65, 2013 SCI(E)
- A VoIP system for mobility voice security support using the VPN, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Vol. 5, 2012 SCI(E)
- Decision Support System for Zero-day Attack Response, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012 SCI(E)
- 2022.01 (사)한국컴퓨터정보학회 학술상
- 2021.12 대전광역시 서구청장 표창
- 2020.11 대전광역시의회 의장 표창